House Plants

Making a resolution to get healthier? Well don’t forget to add cleaning up the air in your home to your get-healthy checklist.
Houseplants are a great way to add some peace and tranquility, not to mention personality and style, to your living space. You can find a plant for just about every corner of every room.
Take this Mother in Law’s Tongue that you see above. There are many different leaf variations of this species. They are low light loving and drought tolerant making them one of the most fool-proof plants to buy. Not to mention the dramatic spires that this prolific multiplier send out, could really be used to make a bold statement in your room.
If the more traditional houseplants aren’t really your style,
then consider the vast world of succulents and cacti.
Most people don’t realize that these can be grown indoors with direct sunlight and are really great for adding a unique twist. With so many options to choose from, it’s hard to pick just one.
Don’t worry though, these plants with their contrasting colors and leaf shapes, actually look better when they are paired with multiple varieties.
For more ideas and information check out the houseplant and cacti/succulent section at your nearest Star Nursery!